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Home Office Alternatives for Freelancers

Home Office Alternatives for Freelancers

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Travel while you work remotely This option is the most expensive, but it allows you to scratch some things off your bucket list. One of the greatest advantages of freelancing is that you can do it from anywhere. If you’ve ever wanted to travel, you don’t need to take an unpaid vacation. Bring your work with you. Live like a local in a foreign country, or even explore parts of your own country that you’ve never been to. Not many people have the ability to collect an income as they travel. If you do, you’d be a fool not to take advantage of it.

Work from the pub This is a strange choice, but you’d be surprised how well it works. If you’re stressed out with a current project, you can always take your work for a well-deserved night out. Order something small to munch on and enjoy a pint or two while you work. Drinking on the job is okay when you don’t have someone else to report to. As long as you know your limits and you don’t get too wobbly, you may find it eases your stress levels a little while you’re ironing out the tedious details of a complicated job. Just make sure you review your work after the pints have worked their way out of your system

Creating a blog is easier than it's ever been. And if your blog gets enough traffic, you can start earning money by allowing ads to be placed on your website. So what should you blog about? Anything you want -- family life, business, politics, religion... Just try to keep some sort of consistency to keep your audience engaged.

Alternatively, you could do sponsored blogs, in which case companies pay you to write positive reviews for their products on a blog website.

Freelance writing
This could be anything from writing informative articles for students to writing code for an online game. If any sort of writing is your forte, this is an excellent option for you. It differs from blogging in that it provides a broader range of potential for your writing, because you have more common people requesting for your writing skills rather than big corporations.

 Online games
This is an ideal option for somebody who has some experience in gambling. There is a myriad of websites where you can play virtual cards against real people betting real money, be it five card draw, five card stud, or blackjack. You can also play dice games like craps if cards aren't "suited" for you. Or, you can just buy quick games that you can play alone. Of course, before choosing this method, it is important you know that gambling is legal in your state or province.

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