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NaCl Information

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NaCl is absolutely essential to life on earth. It is a necessary ingredient in the diets of people and animals. And sodium chloride has literally thousands of uses! One of those uses is to serve as a source of chlorine for chemical manufacturing. Why, you may ask? Here's why: chlorine is known as a "workhorse chemical." It plays a key role in the manufacture of thousands of products we depend on every day, including volleyballs, computers, cars, pool chemicals, medicines and cosmetics (check out the Chlorine Product Tree). Those are just a small sampling of the many items that are made using chlorine.

How do you think chlorine is freed from those tightly packed crystals of NaCl? Electricity is the tool used to electro-chemically split NaCl, releasing Cl for its many chemical uses. Chemical engineers design systems to make chlorine gas bubble out of salty, electrified water. The gas is captured and cooled down so much that it liquefies.

The whole process is very cool (but not safe for you to try at home). The average American consumes about 7 pounds of sodium chloride each year and more than 500 pounds over the course of a lifetime! Put that together with the use of all the products made using chlorine, and I think you will agree that NaCl is an essential compound!

Salt is an inorganic compound, meaning it doesn’t come from living matter. It’s made when Na (sodium) and Cl (chloride) come together to form white, crystalline cubes.
Your body needs salt to function, but too little or too much salt can be harmful to your health.
While salt is frequently used for cooking, it can also be found as an ingredient in foods or cleansing solutions. In medical cases, your doctor or nurse will typically introduce sodium chloride as an injection. Read on to see why and how salt plays an important role in your body
The most common use for salt is in food. Its uses include:
  • food seasoning
  • acting as a natural preservative
  • enhancing the natural colors of foods
  • curing, or preserving, meats
  • creating a brine for marinating foods
There’s also a wide variety of household uses, such as:
  • cleaning pots and pans
  • preventing mold
  • removing stains and grease
  • salting roads in the winter to prevent ice

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