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Hydrochloric acid Information

Hydrochloric acid
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Hydrochloric acid is the water-based, or aqueous, solution of hydrogen chloride gas. It is also the main component of gastric acid, an acid produced naturally in the human stomach to help digest food. Hydrochloric acid is also synthetically produced for a variety of industrial and commercial applications, and can be formed by a number of manufacturing processes, including dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water.

Hydrochloric acid is a strong, corrosive acid that can be used industrially to process steel used in the building and construction industry. It is used in the chemical industry in the large-scale production of vinyl chloride used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, and it is one of the chemicals that is used to produce polyurethane foam and calcium chloride.
Hydrochloric acid is also used to make many other chemicals and as a disinfectant and slimicide, a chemical that prevents the growth of slime in paper stock.
Other common end uses for hydrochloric acid include household cleaners, pool maintenance and food manufacturing.

What Exactly is Hydrochloric Acid & Where is it Found?

Hydrochloric acid sounds like a scary substance and, in fact, it can be. However, you may be surprised to learn that hydrochloric acid is a common liquid used in several industries around the world. Approximately 20 million tons of hydrochloric acid are produced globally each year, and you can even find it in your own home! These hydrochloric acid safety tips can help you handle this toxic substance safely and appropriately, whether you encounter it at home or in the workplace.

How to Handle Hydrochloric Acid Safely

Safety is of utmost importance when handling dangerous chemicals like hydrochloric acid. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates hydrochloric acid as a toxic substance, and it should be treated as such. It is recommended that you wear the following protective equipment when using hydrochloric acid of any concentration:
  • Vapor respirator
  • Rubber gloves
  • Boots
  • Full suit
  • Face shield
If using hydrochloric acid at your workplace, it is highly recommended you have access to an eye-flush station in case of accidental exposure. You should also review all Hydrochloric Acid MSDS information before making contact.
If using hydrochloric acid household cleaners in your home, follow the label directions and safety instructions closely. (It is usually recommended that you first dilute the cleaner to reduce its concentration.) It is still important to wear protective clothing when using diluted acid, to ensure that it doesn’t come into contact with your skin, eyes, or mouth.

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